Selected by Ir. Vendermeulen


-Click on the small record covers to see the bigger version!


This is the album that for once and for always got the 5 year old Ir.Vendermeulen into the
wonderful world of MUSIC. The Elvis NBC-TV Special was recorded
and broadcasted in 1968 and it still stands out as one of Presley’s best achievements.
Great “new” arrangements of the hits and some super live-segments;
the (in the 1990’s so popular on MTV) unplugged concept is being invented here...


A fantastic cover for one of the ultimate Rock ‘n’ Roll albums...
Everything is outstanding on this 1957 record, this is what r’n’r is all about.
Great originals like Catman and Pink Thunderbird fill the grooves,
played by Gene and his BlueCaps at their most frantic!



Robert Mitchum spent much time in Trinidad in the 1950’s where he heard the Calypso-music
for the very first time. Somehow he managed to fill a whole album with this type of music;
you can’t denie this is a brave attempt, considering the fact Robert wasn’t much of a singer.
Somehow music recorded by actors and other public figures is always VERY interesting.


Richard Anthony was one of the many French artist who brought the twist to
Europe, he was famous for his twist-parties at home as you can see on the photo.
On this record many French covers songs like Je Reviens Vers Le Bonheur (Hit The Road, Jack), Sa GrandePassion (His Latest Flame) and Ca Tourne Rond (African Waltz).


BeatClub is of course also Beat Music; and without Beatle Mania, where would we be?
This is a typical record of a cover-group, trying to sell some albums by jumping on the
Beatles-Band-Wagon. Although many strange and fantastic attempts have been made in this
field, The Liverpools sound as dopey as they look on the album-cover.


A 1964 Walt Disney Production, full of very enjoyable vocal surf-music.
Annette sure knows how to get from A to B on a hot summer day.
Her guys make sure she never burns her fragile feet on the hot Californian sand...

(Click on the big LP-image to see the back-cover.)


This dynamic twosome also know how to move around!
Bat-tastic Bat-usi Bat-club Bat-themes for Bat-dancing!
...and keep exercising your stomach, Batman!

(HOT NEWS: Batman and Robin have been invited to play their favourites at BeatClub
in the near future.... Keep your eyes open!)


The Indo-Rockers brought R’n’R and Beat music to Holland. Somehow these cats with their
flashy clothing, greasy hair-do and unbelievable musicianship inspired hundreds of
cheese-heads to take up a guitar and start rocking in their garage, resulting of course in
what we now call NederBiet.
Rudy and the Royal Rhythmics play traditional Indonesian music like Dajoong Dajoong and Olè Olè Bandung with a R'n'R beat!


One of the most outstanding Dutch Beat-groups of the 60’s was ZZ and De Maskers, formed in 1962 by Bob Bouber (ZZ). Later Bob Bouber was the founder of HET, and De Maskers
continued without BB. Outstanding tracks on this album are John Barry’s Beat Girl, the
007-theme and of course Dracula!!, written by BB.


This is a real obscure album by a group I’ve never heard of before or since, probably
South-American or Spanish.
All heavy instrumental Surf-tunes with Japanese flavour, real dynamite!
Maybe the girl on the cover is the lead-guitarist. ...Dream on...


One of my all-time favourites, I don’t know why...
Maybe it’s because I’m a vegetarian?

...for translation and more of this wicked stuff see